
Sponsor your parents and grandparents: Submit the interest to sponsor form

02 February, 2025

The interest to sponsor form 2019 is closed right now

The first step to sponsor your parents or grandparents is filling out the interest to sponsor form.

We’ve already received enough interest to sponsor forms. The form is closed for now.

The Interest to sponsor form was available from this page for a limited time on January 28, 2019.

If you successfully submitted the interest to sponsor form

 After you successfully submitted the interest to sponsor form, you saw a page with your confirmation number. Keep this number for your records. You can use it later to check if you have been invited to apply.

We’ve also sent you an email to confirm that we’ve received your form.

You can’t modify the interest to sponsor form after you’ve submitted it. If you made a mistake on your interest to sponsor form, find out how to correct a mistake or update your information.

Invitations to submit a complete application

We’ll invite potential sponsors to submit a complete application in the same order we received the interest to sponsor forms.

We’ll start sending invitations after we review the submissions and remove duplicates.

Use your confirmation number to find out if you’re invited to apply.

We invite potential sponsors by email. To make sure you don’t miss our email:

  • Check the same email account you used on the interest to sponsor form.
  • Check the junk mail folder to see if the email from us is there.
  • Let us know if your email address has changed.

If you successfully submitted the interest to sponsor form and you’re not invited in 2019, we’ll keep your submission and contact information. Make sure you keep your email address up to date.

If you didn’t submit the interest to sponsor form

We may open the interest to sponsor form again in 2019 if we need more potential sponsors.

If we open the form again, we’ll announce it on this Web page and on our:

If you’d like your parents and grandparents to come to Canada, the super visa is another option. Your parents and grandparents may be eligible to apply for a super visa to stay in Canada for up to 2 years at a time.

Read more about this at
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and pay fees.

Check Application Status

Check status of your application
and prepare for arrival.