There are now three ways to apply for permanent residence, based on Canadian work experience, as a caregiver.
If you are eligible, you can use any of these options to apply.
- Caring for Children Program
You can apply through the Caring for Children class if you have provided full-time child care in a home in Canada for at least two years.
- Caring for People with High Medical Needs Program
You can apply through the Caring for People with High Medical Needs class if you have been working in Canada for at least two years as a:
- registered or licensed practical nurse
- nurse aid or orderly
- home support worker
- Live-in Caregiver Program
You can apply if you have at least two years of work experience in the Live-in Caregiver Program in Canada.
Requirements to become a permanent resident:
You may be eligible to apply for permanent residence in Canada after you have had the following work experience under the Live-in Caregiver Program:
- 24 months of authorized full-time live-in employment, or
- 3,900 hours of authorized full-time employment. You can complete these hours within a minimum of 22 months. When calculating your hours, you can also include up to 390 hours of overtime; and
- The work experience must be acquired within four years of your date of arrival.
Contact us today to discuss this pathway.

Determine Your Eligibility
Find out the requirements to be eligible.
Fill up the required forms, gather required documents
and pay fees.
Check Application Status
Check status of your application
and prepare for arrival.